The audio of 'Siva Thandavam' starring Vikram, Jagapathi Babu, Anushka, Lakshmi Rai and Amy Jackson in lead roles was launched at Taj Deccan Hotel in Hyderabad on September 11th. The film was directed by Vijay (director of Madarasi Pattanam and Nanna). C Kalyan is producing the Telugu version of this bilingual film on Teja Cinema banner. UTV Motion Pictures is the presenter. 'Siva Thandavam' marks the 25th film for music director G V Prakash Kumar.
VV Vinayak released the audio CDs and presented them to Alagappan, K S Rama Rao and V B Rajendra Prasad. The audio was released in the market through Sony Music. Other prominent guests were B Gopal. K C Sekhar Babu, Doraswamy Raju, Vikram, Jagapathi Babu, Amy Jackson, C Kalyan, G V Prakash Kumar, UTV Dhanunjay, Ramesh Puppala, Arjuna Raju, Krishna Prasad, Seema Azaruddin and others.
V V Vinayak said, "Vikram was a good friend to be even before he became a star. I'm very happy to see him a one of the big stars in India. Trailers appear excellent. C Kalyan never compromises on money when it comes to providing quality films. I wish this film will become successful and earn him good profits. I also wish that this film will earn director Vijay the Best Director award."
Jagapathi Babu said, "My fans were worried that I did not have good films on hand for the past two years. However, this movie will surely rock in theaters. The director is very talented and has clarity in his work. His style of filmmaking is very different. Prakash's music is superb. I've no words to tell about Vikram's performance. I request my fans to watch the film as just a film and not to spoil their lives by becoming emotional and taking films serious."